(626) 765 9589

About Us

Employed Security Service Center has over 25 years’ experience in operating successful WIOA (JTPA) training programs with County and City Work source systems. Hundreds of Veterans have been trained and successfully employed with public and private agencies throughout California. In 2012-2013 Employed Security Service Center was the recipient of a Global Best Award for North America, in the category of Workforce Development (International Education Business Partnership Network). In 2022, ESSC was recognized by South Bay Workforce Investment Board for our Outstanding Job Placement Achievement. ESSC has three non-profit Partners: Employed Safety Academy, Inc., Veteran’s Transition Service (VTS); and Learning Strategies Group. These 502C3 charities raise funds for deserving and financially needy students, including Veterans in need of assistance. Visit their Facebook page here.


Job Placement Services

Placement assistance is provided to graduates at no additional charge. However, there is no guarantee of employment or any level of wages. Graduates may take advantage of placement assistance which is provided through on-site employer interviews; job leads sent via email and posted on ESSC social media pages. Job Leads are posted on Bulletin Board or kiosks at the Center. Resume advice and review is available for graduates.

Recognition for Achieving Excellent Performance

2012-2013 - Private Security Officer 84% Placement
2013-2014 - Private Security Officer 84% Placement
2015 - Private Security Officer (Armed) 88% - Private Security Officer (Unarmed) 80% Placement
2016 - Private Security Officer (Armed) 100% - Private Security Officer (Unarmed) 93% Placement
2017 Private Security Officer (Unarmed)- School Security Officer
2018 School Security Officer 100% Placement - Private Security Officer (Armed) &
School Security Officer 99% Placement - Private Security Officer (Unarmed) 96% Placement
2019-2020 Logistics & Supply Chain Professional 80% Placement
2021-2022 Private Security Officer (Unarmed) 100% Placement

Employed Security Service Center provides courses to all interested parties who meet the following qualifications;


All courses are taught in English. There are no English language services provided. English as a Second Language Instruction is not provided. English language requirement: Students must have the ability to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate in English.

Age Requirement:

Age 18 and over. Government issued picture identification indicating that the student is 18 years of age or older Acceptable documents include Passport, Driver’s License, and State issued Identification Card

Admission procedures include:

Completed and signed Enrollment form, Receipt of Catalog, School Performance Fact Sheets. Evaluation of past felony or misdemeanor arrest or convictions; evaluation of outstanding federal or state liens which may prevent licensing (i.e., back child support); assessment of English Language Skills and level of understanding for successful completion of courses. Specific identification documentation and minimum age requirements.